Wholesale Automatic Transmissions

COMPUSHIFT Transmission Controllers

Now With Bluetooth Integration

Technical Specifications

Smart Phone / Tablet / Computer Integration:

  • COMPUSHIFT Sport and Pro by HGM Electronics brings you the first ever smart phone integrated transmission controller. This makes programming dead easy – allowing programming via Android or iOS smart phones, tablets, PC’s and Mac’s.  Connectivity includes both Bluetooth and dual independent CAN bus networks.  All software is included.

Manage Current and Future Gearing:

  • COMPUSHIFT Sport controls 4 speed transmissions.
  • COMPUSHIFT Pro is capable of managing transmissions with 4, 5, 6 (or more!) gears.


  • Get full and precise control of the shifting strategy for your transmission.  COMPUSHIFT Sport and Pro are delivered with versatile factory-set programming for a wide variety of transmission and engine combinations.  However, you can completely customize settings to your exact specifications.
  • Fully adjustable shift speeds, shift feel and torque converter clutch control.
  • Provides adjustable output for speedometer calibration.


  • COMPUSHIFT has the capability of communicating with many different factory and aftermarket engine controllers for quick plug and play setup.  No wire splicing required.
  • Compatible with paddle shifters from Twist Machine (www.twistmachine.com) and other retailers.
  • Uses industry standard trouble codes

Ease of Setup:

  • All The Connectors – The COMPUSHIFT Sport and Pro transmission controller looms come with a full set of Plug and Play OEM Connectors for all supported transmissions – making installation effortless.
  • COMPUSHIFT software is upgradable in the field via Bluetooth.  Updates are available via Google Play, Kindle and the Apple App Store.
  • Two full sets of calibration modes that can be selected by button or app.
  • Transfer case switch input for shift / speedometer calibration in low range / 4WD vehicles.


We Have You Covered – HGM is the industry leader in transmission control.  We are with you all the way on your project. 


Factory-set programming for a wide variety of transmission/engine combinations Tick Tick
Full transmission performance and drive experience customization Tick Tick
Full set of plug and play looms with OEM connectors for supported transmissions. Tick Tick
Programming software provided for Smart Phone (Android and iPhone), iPad and Windows/Mac computers. Tick Tick
Bluetooth Interface Tick Tick
Dual CAN bus Interface Tick Tick
Online Owners Manual Tick Tick
Online Quick Install Guide Tick Tick
Compatible 4 Speed Transmissions:
Ford AODE / 4R70W / 4R75W
Ford E40D / 4R100
General Motors 4L80E / 4L85E
General Motors 4L60E / 4L65E / 4L70E
General Motors 4L60E corvette transaxle
General Motors 4T65E Front Wheel Drive
General Motors 4T80E Front Wheel Drive
Land Rover / BMW ZF 4HP-22 / 4HP-24
Nissan RE4R01A / RE4R03A
Toyota A340 / A341 / A343
Toyota A442
Compatible 5 Speed Transmissions:
Chrylser NAG1
Mercedes WA580
Nissan RE5R05A
Toyota A750
Compatible 6 Speed Transmissions:
Allison 1000 (coming soon)
Ford 6R80 (coming soon)
General Motors 6L45 / 6L50 / 6L80 / 6L90 (coming soon)
Toyota AB60
Compatible 8 Speed Transmissions:
Toyota / Lexus  AA80 / AA80 / AE80 / AB80 (coming soon)

Do you have a unique project in mind?  I am guessing: “Hell yes”!  Virtually every one of our customers has a custom built vehicle. We are here to help you fit a HGM Electronics “COMPUSHIFT Transmission Controller” to your project.

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