HGM Electronics + Wholesale Automatics = Perfection

About the Author

Rodney "Rocket Rod" is one of the Directors of Wholesale Automatics. He has been in the automatic transmission industry for over 30 years. Rodney mainly focuses on Marketing and New Projects and is the driving force behind creating new ways to bolt different parts together for our conversion projects. Rodney is also responsible for the majority of the entertainment at Wholesale Automatics.

The friendship between Wholesale Automatics in Melbourne Australia and HGM Electronics out of California USA is probably one of the worst kept secrets in the history of automatic transmissions but it is this friendship over the past 10 years that has seen these 2 companies explore and probably develop more 4WD automatic transmission conversions than all the other companies throughout the world combined. Conversions have grown from the non-electronic Chev and Ford auto’s slowly evolving into conversions using the Nissan and Toyota 4 speed automatics and of late the more technically advanced transmission 5 & 6 speed automatics from many manufacturers around the world.
We originally started doing conversions in between all the other automatic transmission work going on converting the Kingswood, Premiers, Commodore and yes even falcons from 3 speed auto’s to what was then considered to be the modern 4 speed overdrive transmissions. We then moved onto 4 wheel drives doing basically the same thing but this time it was for customers that where doing engine conversions. Then come the beloved “I love my 4WD so much, can’t you Just Make It Automatic” and we normally reply “Why Yes We Can”!

Lines of Code

Hours of Development

Computers Sold

Transmissions Controllable

Now we find that we are doing more and more new or at least near new manual to automatic conversions, most notable on the current model Toyota LandCruiser and Nissan Patrols using the latest Tip Tronic 5 and 6 speed transmissions that can be so perfectly set up and controlled that we are kind of hoping that the manufactures don’t cotton onto what customers REALLY want when it comes to transmission control. I mean why not, it makes perfect sense that a modern automatic transmission can be made to do everything the customers want. Believe me when I say our customers come up with some crazy ideas on engine and transmission combinations and its left to us to make it possible while keeping it functional and practical with just a touch of looking like it was factory fitted and a pinch of yes it can be electronically adjusted to each customers personals requirements.
Both Wholesale Automatic Transmissions and HGM Electronics feed off each other, we both get excited when we bring something new to the 4WD and custom world. Sometimes we come up with our own ideas on creating new markets for our conversions but for the most part it’s simply the demand from our own customers that’s drives us both to keep up with various growing trends. At any one time HGM Electronics would be developing several different computer systems to meet demands from their customers all over the world and at any one time Wholesale Automatics would be building vehicles and in some cases building transmission conversions for their customers that all go on to be co-developed by Wholesale Automatics and HGM Electronics. I am sure that no company can build and develop complete systems on its own without going broke so it’s great see companies come together, feed off each other, encourage each other and yes sometimes say “What Were You thinking”!

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