Conversion Details
Vehicle Owner Details Vehicle Owners Name(Required)
Workshop Details
Delivery Address(Required) Address where the Kit will be shipped to:
Vehicle Make/Model Details Lock-Up Switch(Required) Please select the correct switch type for your vehicle
Aftermarket Vehicle Modifications(Required) There are certain modifications that can impact installation of the conversion or may require some changes to how the conversion is fitted. Please indicate any that may apply:
Engine Performance Upgrades(Required) Please indicate any performance upgrades that apply (you can tick more than one)
Seating Configuration Transmission Cooler(Required) Please indicate if you have any accessories mounted in the space between the front grill and the radiator/Airconditioning Condenser? ie: front mounted Intercooler
Information for Engineering
The conversion of Manual to Automatic transmission requires an Engineering Certificate, sometimes referred to as a Mod Plate. The Certificate/Mod Plate provides the vehicle owner with the relevant documents required for ensuring the conversion has been installed to the required standard and is considered Roadworthy by the Engineer.
Any Questions or additional information If you have any questions about the conversion or additional information about your vehicle that may be relevant, please enter them below